Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Frank Forencich Blog

My goodness. Seek and ye shall find.

I'm never less than consistently amazed by the way I ALWAYS find what I'm looking for. Yes, sometimes it would be better if I didn't find what I seek, but fortunately most of the time it's serendipitous, beneficial, and another step forward in my self actualization.

I found a brilliant blog today, one that reflects my current worldview in so many ways.

Thanks, Frank!

Just to be clear, I'm not advocating against hiring a contest prep coach or a personal trainer. I'm just saying there's a time and a place for everything, and if there comes a point where you start to doubt your own autonomy and instincts, perhaps you're ready to go it on your own for awhile. It can be very liberating!

That's all. :)

Here's the link:

And here's the lead-in:

You are the one
by Frank Forencich on December 23, 2012

Hi! I’m a health expert and I’m going to tell you how to live.

I’m going to tell you how to exercise, what to eat and when to eat it. I’m going to tell you how to succeed in athletic training and how to avoid injury. I’m going to tell you how much water to drink and how much sleep you need to get. I’m going to tell you what supplements to take and what products to buy. And since stress is such an important part of health, I’m even going to tell you what to think about your life and your world.

But what makes me such an omniscient health expert? Well, maybe I’ve read a big stack of books and/or I have a bunch of letters after my name and/or I’ve won some big athletic competitions and/or I have some testimonials from some really famous clients and/or I have a really hot bod and/or I’m just a good talker.

In any case, I’m claiming to know what’s good for your body and your life which, if you think about it, is a truly preposterous claim. After all, I don’t know you and I haven’t done any assessments of your body, your genes or your life. I don’t know your personality, your history or your life goals. I don’t know your biomechanical profile or your biochemistry. And even if I did know all of these things, it would be a outrageous leap to suggest that I could integrate all of that knowledge into a concrete, practical, personalized prescription for a healthy life.

So, why should you listen to me?

Well, perhaps you shouldn’t be listening to health experts at all. Maybe, just maybe, health experts are part of our problem... (Read more)