Sunday, January 9, 2011


  • grandstandingpresent participle of grand·stand

    Verb: Seek to attract applause or favorable attention from spectators or the media.

  • It's true, there's nothing inherently wrong with grandstanding. But what if the only reason you reach out to help someone (a charity, someone who is ill, etc.) is to attract attention to your business and drum up more? True, I know this is "how it's done," in our society, but what happened to giving for its own sake, with no thunder and no applause?

    Whenever I see the words "anonymous donor," I send as much positive, grateful energy and love to that person or persons as I can. I know it is difficult to give completely altruistically, but at least if that is from where your energy and desire to give comes, the spirit behind your actions has integrity. Otherwise, your act of charity seems self-serving and not really about the person or persons in need at all. Especially when you announce that act of charity before the fact so that you can get all sorts of attention for your good deed before you've even done anything!

    But I guess that is the way of things when you live in a dog-eat-dog society built on capitalism. We capitalize, seizing every opportunity to benefit ourselves, even opportunities to be altruistic. Oh the hypocrisy! Everything is about the almighty dollar. Everything is a marketing opportunity. Everything... even giving.